Noa Levy is a Sophie Davis Post-Doctoral Fellow on Gender, Conflict Resolution and Peace at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations.
Her Ph.D. thesis on unaccompanied child and youth migration focused on regional mobility from Zimbabwe to the South African borderland, and investigated conceptualizations of childhood, youth and migration. She is currently working on emerging femininities and masculinities among unaccompanied migrating youth. Noa is teaching at the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies at Tel Hai Academic College.
The Sophie Davis Forum on Gender, Conflict Resolution and Peace
The Sophie Davis Forum on Gender, Conflict Resolution and Peace annual activity (2020-2021) was impacted by the Covid-19 social distancing protocol. All activities were planned and held through zoom, which facilitated participation of scholars from varied institutions and locations, yet was limited to existing networks and mailing lists.
Overall, the forum engaged in four main endeavors:
1. Engaging IR B.A. students with the topic of Gender and Conflict. The goal is to introduce them to the topic and encourage them to ask related questions within their course work.
a. Around the (IR) World in 80 min (29.10.2020) An opening event for the academic year with the standup comedian, activist and IR graduate Noam Shuster-Eliassi.
b. An Experts Panel on Women Warriors (13.1.2021): Prof. Ayelet Harel-Shalev (Ben Gurion University), Prof. Edna Lomski-Feder (The Hebrew University), Prof. Orna Sasson-Levi (Bar Ilan University), Tom Gal (Forum Dvorah), organized in collaboration with the International Relations B.A. program (as a special event for the Introduction class).
c. (2W) Wartime Sexual Crimes [canceled due to elections (23.3.2021) and then tech issues (6.4.2021)]: A guest lecture for the course IR in the 20th Century.
2. Training students interested in the topic:
a. A specialist Master’s course: Weaving Truth(s): Commissions, Victims and Witnesses from Gender and Participatory Perspectives (29.11–10.12.2021). Delivered by international scholar and activist, Dr. Arancha Garcia del Soto, it was organized as a combination of lectures and workshops. We aimed to offer a particularly exciting and inspiring learning experience, that would invite and allow M.A. students from various disciplines to explore questions related to gender and conflict resolutions.
b. A Bachelor’s course: International Relations International Law & Conflict Resolution through a Gendered Perspective (Term 2), Delivered by Dr. Hadas Cohen.
3. Engaging IR Faculty with the topic of Gender and Conflict
• Exploring Feminist Security Studies: Key Interventions and Insights (26.5.2021). A guest lecture delivered by Professor Annick T.R. Wibben, Gender, Peace & Security, the Swedish Defence University, The IR seminar series.
4. Engaging with the activist, general and feminist communities
a. War Known: A Formal Launch of the Politika Special Issue on Gender and Conflict Resolution (18.11.2020). Featured as part of Civil Society Celebrates 20 Years to Resolution 1325.
b. Dignifying Testimonies: A Workshop (13.12.2020). Delivered by international scholar activist, Dr. Arancha Garcia del Soto, offered to civil society activists and young scholars (regardless of university affiliation).
c. Women at the International Level (7.3.2021). International women’s day special episode, the Davis Institute Podcast, with Prof. Orit Kedar, Prof. Galia Golan and Dr. Tal Nitsán.
d. Feminist Security Studies - mini lecture series: Doing Feminist Security Studies: On Temporary Resting Points and Reflexive Practices, Prof. Annick T.R. Wibben, Gender, Peace & Security, the Swedish Defence University. (27.5.2021) Studying Weapons in Israel, Dr. Sarai Aharoni, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (10.6.2021) Feminist Security Studies and the case of Women as Violent State Actors, Prof. Ayelet Harel-Shalev, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. (17.6.2021)