Annick T.R. Wibben, Ph.D., Anna Lindh Professor for Gender, Peace & Security, Swedish Defence University
Wed., May 26th 12:30-14:00 via zoom, International Relations Department Seminar.
Annick T.R. Wibben is Anna Lindh Professor for Gender, Peace & Security at the Swedish Defence University. Her research straddles critical security and military studies, peace studies, and feminist international relations. She also has an interest in questions of methodology, representation, and writing. In addition to numerous articles, she has published a monograph, Feminist Security Studies: A Narrative Approach (2011), and two edited volumes, Researching War: Feminist Methods, Ethics & Politics (2016) and Teaching Peace & War: Pedagogy & Curricula (with Amanda Donahoe, 2020).
Suggested readings (by Annick T.R. Wibben):
- (2021) “Genealogies of Feminist Peace Research: Themes, Thinkers, and Turns” In: Väyrynen, T., Parashar, S., Féron, É. & Confortini, C.C. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook on Feminist Peace Research (pp. 17-27). Routledge.
- (2021) “Geschlechter- und Sicherheitsstudien heute”: Vier Wissenschaftlicher*innen im Gespräch. In: Daniel, A, Mageza-Barthel, R, Richter-Montpetit, M. & Scheiterbauer, T. (Eds.) Gewalt, Krieg und Flucht: Feministische Perspektiven auf Sicherheit (pp. 29-40). Verlag Barbara Budrich. (with Stachowitsch, S, Wisotzki, S. & Mageza-Barthel, R)
- (2021) “Unruly Wives: Toward a Feminist (fuller) Genealogy for Peace Research” Cooperation and Conflict 56(1): 3-25. (With Lyytikainen,M., Yadav, P., Jauhola, M. and Confortini, C.C)
- (2020) “Everyday security, Feminism and the continuum of violence” Journal of Global Security Studies 5 (1): 115–121. DOI 10.1093/jogss/ogz056
- (2020) Feminist Peace Research. In: Richmond O., Visoka G. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. (with Donahoe A.E.)
- (2018) “Why we need to study (US) militarism: A critical feminist lens” Security Dialogue 49(1-2):136-148
- (2016) "Opening security: Recovering critical scholarship as political" Critical Studies on Security 4 (2): 137-153.
- (2014) “A Decade of Feminist Security Studies Revisited” (with Maria Stern), Virtual Special Issue of Security Dialogue []
- (2011) Feminist Security Studies: A Narrative Approach. London: Routledge.