מדידת אי השיוויון המגדרי: מדיניות ופרקטיקה של מדדים גלובלים

ה', 10/10/201311:00-14:00
The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

במרכזה של הסדנה עומדים הקשר בין אי שוויון מגדרי, צמיחה כלכלית, ובטחון לאומי, כמו גם המדדים הגולבליים שפותחו בשנים האחרונות בכדי לכמת את אי השיוויון המגדרי.  

מארגנות: שוות: המרכז לקידום נשים בזירה הציבורית  בשיתוף עם הפורום לחקר סוגיות מגדר,
יישוב סכסוכים ושלום ע"ש סופי דיוויס.


Shavot/WIPS- The Center for the Advancement of Women in the Public Sphere, at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, and The Sophie Davis Forum on Gender, International Conflict Resolution and Peace at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem invite researchers to participate in: 
International Workshop
Measuring Gender Inequalities:
The Politics and practices of global indices
October 10th, 2013, at the Van-Leer Jerusalem Institute
International Speakers:
Dr. Gaëlle Ferrant, Economist at the OECD Development Center, Poverty Reduction and Social Development Unit, working for the SIGI (Social Institutions & Gender Index)
Dr. Andrea den Boer, International Relations, University of Kent, Principal Investigator in the WomanStats Database Project
Dr. Donna Lee Bowen, Political Science and Middle East Studies, Brigham Young University, Principal Investigator in the WomanStats Database Project
The measurement of global gender inequalities has become an important topic within academic literature and policy planning. In particular, the growing interest in the relationship between gender inequality, economic growth and national security has produced several global indices and datasets that code, map and compare gender inequality in developing countries and conflict zones.
We invite young and senior scholars of political economy, international relations, social economy, gender studies and security studies who are interested in global measurements of gender inequality to a half-day workshop that will focus on two of these sources: the OECD Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) and the WomanStats Database Project.
The following topics will be addressed:
  • How are global indicators of gender inequality defined, coded, analyzed and used?
  • How can macro-level quantitative data promote gender equality on the national and international levels?
  •  How is the practice of global measurement linked to the development of professional knowledge about gender within global governance?
  •  What are the differences in the way economic/social indices and security-related datasets perceive global trends in gender inequality?
The workshop follows a conference on October 9th at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, which will present the new Shavot Gender Index in an international context.
For the full program please check our website at: http://www.vanleer.org.il/he/wips