קבוצת אנרגיה וגיאופוליטיקה באוניברסיטה העברית

ד', 27/01/201612:30-14:00
חדר 5329

הנכן/ם מוזמנות/ים למפגש הפתיחה של קבוצת המחקר בנושא אנרגיה וגיאופוליטיקה יתקיים ביום רביעי ה-
27 לינואר בין השעות 12:30-14:00 בחדר הסמינרים של המחלקה ליחסים בינלאומיים, חדר 5329 במדעי החברה.

במפגש הראשון יציגו ניר מעוז מאוניברסיטת ברקלי ופרופ' איתי פישהנדלר מהמחלקה לגיאוגרפיה באוניברסיטה העברית בנושא סנקציות אנרגיה:
Anatomy of Economic Energy Sanctions: A Global Outlook
תקציר המאמר:

Economic energy sanctions comprise more than a fifth of economic sanctions imposed globally in the last 90 years. Yet, despite this significant proportion, research on economic energy sanctions has remained static and anecdotal. This study represents a first attempt to rigorously address the design of economic energy sanctions by analyzing all documented economic energy sanctions imposed by countries and institutional bodies since the 1930s. Our dataset reveals that the choice of economic energy sanctions is not random. Although we identify a nuanced spectrum of energy measures ranging from price fixing to partial embargoes to complete embargoes, in reality the choice of sanctions is limited and changes as a function of time and space. For example, most of the economic energy sanctions were imposed between 1973 and 2002. While most sanctions have targeted exclusively oil, this energy source is gradually being replaced by sanctions targeting natural gas. Furthermore, although most of the sanctions are imposed by the US, Russia, and the UN, each enacts a different sanction regime with different goals and measures. By tracing this anatomy of energy sanctions, this first comprehensive global outlook provides a theoretical and empirical framework for understanding how sanctions evolve and devolve over time.